Thank you to all the
swimmers, volunteers and
organizations for participating
the Potomac.
WaveOne Swimming has
introduced open water
swimming in the Potomac
River to thousands of athletes.
We feel fortunate that
Washington DC is home to
such magnificent natural
open water resources. Part of
our mission and message is to
appreciate and protect the
Potomac River and other
bodies of water in which we
swim. Please support the
organizations, such as DC
Surfrider Foundation that
offer hands on, common
sense approaches to keeping
the Potomac River clean and
open to swimming.
You may email us with
questions to:
Copyright 2017 WaveOne Open Water
Hello Swim for the Potomac Swimmers,
Thank you for swimming in the 2017 8th Annual Swim for the Potomac by WaveOne Swimming. Following is information to
make the swim as enjoyable and safe as possible. More volunteers are always needed at check-in and on the water. We
have ample kayaks and paddleboards for use on the water, see Garry down on the dock. If you can help with check-in,
please see Terry at the check-in tent. We are introducing the WaveOne 10K Club for this year’s SFTP. 10K swimmers see
guidelines below.
Any questions will be addressed at the briefing tomorrow. Please do not email the race director.
Swim for the Potomac Swimmer Information
Registration: 10K registration will close at 7PM Friday 9/22. No race day entries will be accepted for the 10K. Online and
race day registration will close by 7AM 9/23
Parking: Hourly parking is available on the surface streets and there are spaces available in the garages in the buildings
up on hill of National Harbor.
Water Temperature: Predicted water temperature is 76F. Wetsuits will be allowed. Swimmers wearing wetsuits are not
eligible for awards.
Weather: Forecast for 8am is air temp at 68F warming to 84F, clear skies, 0-10% chance for precipitation, North wind of 3-
6mph. Spectators and swimmers bring warm clothing and protection from an initial cool breeze.
Course: LOOK AT THE COURSE MAP BEORE YOU ARRIVE. That will help you learn the course. We increased the size of
each course loop to reduce the number of laps. All swims will have in-water starts from the North Cove. You are expected
to keep all the buoys on your left shoulder. Do not cut any corners.
Course Map Here: http:/
Water Quality: Tests were conducted over the past 6 weeks in conjunction with PEM resulting in acceptable levels well
below EPA designated swimming standards.
Changing: can be done on deck or in the restrooms located in the building on the south end of National Plaza Dr. (Street
closest and parallel to the waterfront). ARRIVE PREPARED TO SWIM.
We will have a corral on the pier for bag storage during your swim.
A shower is provided on the dock to rinse off after your swim.
The dock is rough in areas so we ask you to walk cautiously to avoid potential splinters. No flip flops/shoes will be allowed
on the dock.
Check-in: begins at 6:40am FOR THE 10K SWIMMERS on the commercial pier, which is adjacent to McLoones Pier
House restaurant. Check-in begins at 7:15am FOR 500m, 3K, 2.4mi, 5K swimmers. You will receive your cap, shirt and
be marked.
Safety Briefing: 10K Safety Briefing and start will begin at 7:00am down on the dock. Arrive prepared to enter the water. The
other distances Safety Briefing will be on the pier and begin at 7:40.
5K swimmers will start at 8:00 or earlier.
3K and 2.4 mi. swimmers will start 5 minutes after the 5K wave. 500 m. swimmers will start at 10 minutes after the 5K
wave. There will be no warm up.
If you need assistance from water support, call out and wave your hand above your head. Approach a kayak from the front,
not the side. The water support team may conclude you are unable to safely complete the swim and an escort boat may
remove you from the water. These determinations are non-negotiable.
Nutrition/Hydration Storage: 10K swimmers will have a floating platform near the start to store a water bottle or small
amount of nutrition. We suggest you mark your bottles so you can easily find them and/or attach a short rope so they can
be tied to the float and not lost. Have a very simple system. Space is very limited.
Hydrate prior to your race. Wear sunscreen. See open water approved and marine safe Tropicsurf sunscreen and skincare
Food: Harbor Café and Starbucks are close by. Light snacks are available for the swimmers.
Conduct: We say open water swimming is a contact sport. Incidental contact in inevitable. However any aggressive
behavior will result in immediate removal for the swim. Be sportsmanlike before, during and after the swim. Swim through
your turns and do not stop to sight until you are at least 5 yards past the buoy. This protects you from being pushed from
behind. Our purpose of conducting these swims is to provide opportunities to learn and enjoy the sport of open water
swimming, and to offer personal challenges and opportunities for growth through OWS. Have fun.
T-Shirts: We hope to have sufficient shirts for all swimmers. However if you registered in the last 48 hours, we may run
Volunteers: Please thank your land and water support volunteers. We cannot organize these swims without their help.
Volunteer Check-in: Land volunteers, go to the registration tables and see Denis in the WaveOne baseball cap. Water
support go directly to the dock and see Garry in the yellow vest.
Results: when you enter the finish area in the water, please call out your bib number. This helps us tabulate results
accurately. Results will be posted on line shortly after the events are completed. We will mail awards to the top finishers of
each event. Swimmers wearing wetsuits are not eligible for awards.
Thank you for attending Swim for the Potomac and supporting WaveOne Swimming. Have a great safe swim!!
Your WaveOne Swimming Team
Denis Crean
The 10K Swim and WaveOne 10K Club
Swimming an open water 10K is a remarkable achievement. An unassisted 10K swim is considered a Marathon Swim, if
the spirit of marathon swimming is embraced and rules are followed, per the Marathon Swimmers Federation. Because of
our venue and the complications of a race format, we are unable to designate our 10K as a marathon swim. However, we
do recognize the effort and achievements of the swimmers that complete an unassisted 10K swim.
Beginning with the 2017 Swim for the Potomac, WaveOne is initiating a 10K Club that recognizes your achievements.
Following a completed unassisted swim, you will be mailed a Certificate of Achievement and listed on a special page on
our website. In addition, custom gear will be available that you can proudly wear displaying your accomplishment. Over the
years, we encourage many swimmers to grow their swims, often beginning with a 500 meter or one mile swim, and
graduating up to the 10K. It is in the spirit of Marathon Swimming, and continued personal growth through hard work and
seeking new challenges that we recognize and honor the accomplishments of a complete 10K swim.
10K Rules:
Following is a partial list of the rules for an unassisted 10K swim as it applies to the Swim for the Potomac:
Start & Finish
The swim begins when the Race Director announces the swim start at the designated starting line.
The swim finishes when the swimmer clears the finish line and shouts his/her bib number.
The Course:
The swimmer must complete the entire course within the allotted time available. All efforts will be made to provide ample
time to complete the swim.
Physical Contact
The swimmer may not make intentional supportive contact with any vessel, object, or support personnel at any time during
the swim. Incidental contact with kayaks, other swimmers, and feeding stations is allowed but discouraged.
Standard Equipment
The swimmer may wear a single textile swimsuit with standard coverage, one latex or silicone cap, goggles, ear plugs,
nose clips, and may grease the body. The swimmer may not use any additional equipment that benefits speed, buoyancy,
endurance, or heat retention. No wet suits or buoyancy suits are allowed.
The swimmer may not intentionally draft behind any escort vessel, kayak or support swimmer. The swimmer may swim
alongside an escort vessel, but may not intentionally position him or herself inside the vessel’s bow and displacement
waves, except while feeding. Incidental drafting in the course of other swimmers is allowed.
Authority of the Swim
Because the nature of Swim for the Potomac being a race with many swimmers swimming different distances, and the
impracticality of employing an official observer for each 10K swimmer, we rely on the honor system of each individual.
Completing the distance is rounding each corner buoy on the outside to ensure swimming the full 10K. Race support will
be observing each corner and noting any swimmer that cuts a corner, disqualifying that swimmer. The swimmer’s bib
number will be noted and relayed to the Race Director. The complete 10K course include 6 laps.
The Race Director of the Swim for the Potomac is the ultimate authority in all other matters. The Race Director may cancel
the swim at any time, for any reason, including, but not limited to, concerns for the safety of the swimmer or support
Responsible Environmental Stewardship
Everyone involved in the swim attempt - swimmer, observer, support personnel, and escort boat personnel - must treat the
environment respectfully and prevent avoidable harm to marine wildlife and ecosystems.
For a complete list of the rules as they apply to marathon swimming, determined by the Marathon Swimmers Federation,
please see their website and read about the history and comments by the many accomplished marathon swimmers. Find
them here:
Have a great safe swim!
Your WaveOne Swimming Team
Denis Crean